The Company

Our History

Situated in Abasto, La Plata Region, Buenos Aires Province, Cold Storage Plant Frigolar is a family company whose present shareholders are the third generation of Mengani family members. Its first records date to the mid-1940s when Emilio, Higinio, Pedro and Oscar Mengani developed their activity in the livestock sector as breeders, slaughtermen and distributors of meat.

At the same time, in 1948 during Domingo Mercante?s government, the original building of what is now Frigolar was being built as a municipal slaughterhouse, although its characteristics were similar to those of the best-known cold storage plants of the time, like Swift or Armour.

Led by the enthusiasm and hard work of the younger descendants, the plant went through a process of modernization which increased its production capacity and granted access to new national and international markets. Both great experience and an enormous capacity for hard work have made Frigolar one of the main beef meat suppliers in the Argentinian local market, and the efforts of the industrial plant directories have also obtained for the company the highest quality certifications and sanitary standards.


To turn our family business into an Argentinian company with a prominence in the meat industry, both nationally and internationally, integrating products of the highest quality in the complete value chain.


We are part and parcel of our company, instructing our people to achieve the most important certifications according to the international industry norms.

Values and Competences

Customer service      Cleanliness and Quality     Commitment